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Definition of Tissue A group of cells originated from same place, similar or disimilar in shape, size and collectively do the same functions are known as tissue. The cell of a tissue may be one type (i.e. Parenchyma) or many types as in xylem and phloem. The life of a higher multicellular organisms start from unicellular zygote. This zygote divides and redivides to from multicellular body. On the basis of origin, location and functions these cells are of different types. When a group of well organized cells which have common origin and same functions is called tissue. Why is the tissue formed?  In unicellular organisms all activities are performed by a single cell. But in multicellular organisms there is a well organised system of division of labour. The main purpose of formation of tissue is to perform different functions of the body properly. Kinds of Tissue: 1. On the basis of dividing ability On the basis of dividing ability the tissues are of two types, viz. 1. Meristematic tissue

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